People stories

Shape the way you work
Joel, AXA Spain

“Smart Working allows me to be more in control of my life. As a commuter, I have the chance to combine remote working with office culture. I can fully reach my professional goals, manage other aspects of my personal life, and enjoy more time with my family.  
This kind of flexibility also opens up possibilities for me and my colleagues. We can meet physically, ensuring team bonding and co-creation, whenever we need high interaction and collective intelligence. But when we need more autonomous, dedicated time – from beginning to end – we can work at home. I’m present where and when it matters, so I feel happy and fulfilled. This is a prime example of how Smart Working can work for you. I had to take my son to do a Covid test. While I was waiting, I had a meeting with my Paris colleagues, via confcall. We were able to fully review a topic of discussion and arrive at a collective decision. I even followed this up with a Teams call; we enabled our cameras and shared a presentation. It was quite an experience. Location simply didn’t matter, we all shared the same focus. I think that reveals a lot about AXA. We’re guided by solid principles, we put our best effort in and trust each other.”

Shape the way you work

Get to know Angela's experience switching to remote working in Hong Kong

Grow your potential
Christoph, AXA Asia & Africa Market

“You learn a lot about yourself when you experience extraordinary personal development. Especially when you’re working closely with senior leaders. That was the opportunity I was given in 2016 when I started out as an executive assistant. I brought in my talents and got the best guidance on how to use them. I was also able to take part in leadership preparation courses (called LABs) which helped in the daily work with my team. After just two years, I became Head of Claims Analytics which gave me confidence, energy and the chance to learn about the world of data science.  Two years later, I was added to the international talent list of AXA Germany, which gives visibility to people who are open for global mobility. Suddenly, I was approached by AXA International and New Markets in Madrid, which oversees 20 emerging markets on four continents between Singapore and Bogota. I was so excited to become their new Head of Claims – and surprised how clear and simple the move actually was. I didn’t have to worry about legal, tax, searching for a house…everything had been organised for me. It was a big move, and I had a moment of uncertainty. But I intuitively trusted AXA. Because AXA trusted me.” 

Thrive within a diverse community

Monica shares how she builds an inclusive culture

Move the world forward

Hear what axa are doing about climate change

OneHealth is changing many people's lives. Learn how with Maryam